“I had always thought that fast driving was only about going hard on the accelerator. But no, it’s more of how well you change your gears.”
Generally races are long, in fact long enough to allow you a moment here and a moment there, to sit down and think. So, you are supposed to make good use of these moments, not throw them away into nights of partying and gaming, and an arrogant “I don’t care” status message.
The problem is the fact that life has always been kind. You ask for something and you get it, you don’t work for something and you still get it. With time, the feeling of over-confidence grows, and so does the habit of being complacent. It doesn’t hurt, until one day you realise that driving isn’t actually fair. You might have an accident even when it’s not your fault. And it’s then that the entire blame comes on, I don’t know who it comes on...but you don’t like it, whoever it comes on.
I would request you to ignore all that has just been said, I have had a bad minor examination, and I needed a place to let my frustration free. I personally find it a lot easier to write about social issues, or about sports, or anything that lets me criticise the government. But when it comes to writing about one self or about things that matter most, my fingers start receiving diminished blood supplies, my brain panics and it becomes really tough. But then, the best games are the ones that are played under pressure, and I love playing finals.
Maybe, the problem so far has been the lack of patience, of perseverance, and the dominant psyche of not working hard when you can do without it. Things are up for change now, the time is right, so is the occasion, to do a little debugging exercise. It’s time to change, hopefully for the better. It’s time to lift your foot from the accelerator pedal, and press the clutch. It’s time to shift up a gear my friend.
Hello world!
13 years ago