Saturday, October 17, 2009

Here and there

Its only when you sit down to write, that you tend to realize how(if) things are going wrong somewhere... So, I have this small list of people who I don't (can't) get into fights with. Oh boy! I can fight the world alone, but when it's with one of them the world seems to fall apart.

How do you spend time when things aren't going that well?

I read. And since books were never made for me, I read blogs!

Phul Singh One of the links i came across on my random blog run. This one is about English, and perhaps our obsession with complicated words ;)

and not to forget the track running in the background right now, its called 'iktara' from Wake up Sid. The song goes something like this -

Orey manva tu to bavra hai
Tu hi jaane tu kya sochta hai
Tu hi jaane tu kya sochta hai bavre
Kyun dikhaye sapne tu sote jaagte

I realize that i tend to like a lot more movies these days, and a lot more lyrics...i actually listen to them :)

To end this one, let's have a rapid fire bests and one-liner why's (they keep changing every now and then, where now and then would mean about 10 years, i stick to my favorites)

1. Cricketer - Kevin Pieterson (for being as crazy as he is, and for walking down the pitch)
2. Driver - Raikkonen (yun hi!)
3. Tennis player - Djokovic (for his 'come on's and coz he is 6'2'' ...well, so was 1)
4. City - Delhi (for the traffic and the crowd, and the dil of the city)
5. Font - Georgia (for the simplicity of it)
6. Pastime - blogging (my blog's with me, no matter what!)
7. number - 7 (no reasons....)

Wishing you all a happy diwali (the return of Ram, my favorite super hero, just coz he was so amazingly talented that he could do things all wrong and still get away with a win each time)